Rupertsland Centre for Teaching and Learning develops comprehensive foundational knowledge resources, engaging lesson plans, meaningful professional development opportunities and authentic classroom learning tools that speak accurately and meaningfully to topics in Métis education.
As an affiliate of the Métis Nation of Alberta (MNA), RLI is accountable to its sole shareholder – the Métis people of Alberta – as represented by the MNA Provincial Council and to our funding partners at the federal and provincial governments. In 2012, the MNA gave RLI the mandate for Métis education, making us the educational authority over Métis education in Alberta. We partner with MNA leaders, community, and citizens for many different projects to serve the Nation.
Our vision and mission for the RECC (Rupertsland Education Community Connection) Room is to create a site that implements transformational, research-informed, community-guided education. By allowing for communication on this site we hope to foster a community of educators and learners who support and uplift one another.
If you have any other questions please reach out to us at